Tense KNX INTSBB4 Intensity 4-fach Tastensensor Stone Belgian Blue
The INTENSITY series of TENSE provides many advanced functions, available on a small space. It has many possible functions that are set trough the ETS software of KNX . The functions of the INTENSITY are:
Switch or Send 1 or 2 Byte Values on
short touch
short and long touch
positive/negative edges
Dimming (using 1 or 2 buttons)
Blinds Control (using 1 or 2 buttons)... mehr
Tense KNX INTSBB4 Intensity 4-fach Tastensensor Stone Belgian Blue
Ihre Vorteile bei uns
Tense KNX INTSBB4 Intensity 4-fach Tastensensor Stone Belgian Blue
The INTENSITY series of TENSE provides many advanced functions, available on a small space. It has many possible functions that are set trough the ETS software of KNX . The functions of the INTENSITY are:
Switch or Send 1 or 2 Byte Values on
short touch
short and long touch
positive/negative edges
Dimming (using 1 or 2 buttons)
Blinds Control (using 1 or 2 buttons)... mehr